General Information

Academic year composes of two terms covering 14 weeks each one. Fall term begins at the second half of September and ends at the end of January. Spring term begins in February and ends in June.
Total courses change in accordance with the type of preparatory classes and the total numbers of the courses may change between 24 or 30 hours a week. The objective of the preparatory education is to give the students B2 language level of competence at the end of the academic year. 
Pass grade is 65 out of 100. This grade is calculated as follows: 
30% of midterms + 10% of homework, projects and quizes + 60 % of the final exam.
The students, who failed these exams at the end of each academic year, can enter the Exam of Proficiency and Placement in September at the beginning of the next academic year. 

80% of attendance for the total courses is compulsory for the students at the School of Foreign Languages.  

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