Faculty board

Prof. Dr. Hüsnü KAPU - Dean

Prof. Dr. Muzaffer ALKAN 

Prof. Dr. Cevdet BOZKUŞ

Prof. Dr. Engin KILIÇ 

Assoc. Dr. Sibel G. YALMANCI 

Assoc. Dr. Solmaz AYDIN

Assis. Dr. Arzu KİRMAN BİLGİN 

Prof. Dr. Muzaffer ALKAN - Head of Department of Mathematics and Science Education

Prof. Dr. Cevdet BOZKUŞ - Head of Department of Social Sciences and Turkish Education

Assoc. Dr. Murat TAŞDAN - Head of Department of Educational Sciences Education

Assoc. Dr. Tazegül DEMİR ATALAY- Deputy Head of Department of Foreign Languages Education

Assis. Dr. Sabri GÜNGÖR - Head of Department of Primary Education

Assis. Dr. Nilgün GÜNBAŞ - Deputy Head of Department of Computer Education and Ins. Tech.  

Assis. Dr.  Ahmet ÖZMEN - Deputy Head of Department of Fine Arts Education

Dr. . Şule FIRAT DURDUKOCA - Deputy Head of Department of Special Education

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